================================================= Changes in rev4: - Fixed a bug in the parser where /msg MsTasty would be a private message and /msg mstasty not - Fixed a bug where the $core -> ctcp () would send a PRIVMSG instead of a NOTICE (which would be a request and not a response) - Added IRCCore::core_handler to handle CTCPs, Nickchanges and other relevant stuff - Added usleep(5000) when handling the stream in noblock mode, which saves worlds of cpu - Added references of core-objects required for modules in core::modules - Added an http_handler to allow developers making asynchronous http requests by using file_get_contents() (will later be replaced by an own http-handler) - Fixed a bug where ERROR_REPORTING would be set to E_ERROR after loading a module. - Optimized core_module managing (including RAM management). Loaded core modules will now only be instanced once, otherwise they would exist x (i.e. core_channels would exist 6 times) - Added global function parse_vars( $str, $opt=array(), $seperated='%' ) to functions.lib.php to enable parsing textvars. - Added a check to the core::main, to delete possible registered commands from unloaded modules - Added new replace vars to send function. You can now use %nick% in all snd(). It will be replaced by the bots current nick. - Fixed a bug where the check for block-timers (more than 200 seconds) where only checked during non-block periods (which would cause timers with more than 200 seconds never to occur) - Changed a process in the parser to optimize parsing text messages - Fixed a bug in the parser where arguments after : are not parsed well if there are no arguments between COMMAND and : (e.g. incoming NICK changes) - Created a new module rssreader to read rssfeeds. See /cfg/rssreader.cfg.php for config infos. - Removed option BOT:timermode (default set to by_noblock) - Added module decide.php (taken from the old mstasty), can be used by !decide "" - Added module dns.php to resolve DNS or lookup IPs. Can be used by ?dns =================================================